Sunday, March 19, 2006

Done Digging

It's been a loverly day, bright sunshine until well into the evening - a day when digging in a tee-shirt was a necessity.
Anyway the digging is over now for this year - apart from possibly trenching the potatoes ; that's if I the grass grows so I can cut it and bung it into the trench.
I've also completed the edging and fencing which means it should now be tortoise proof. That's how my brother got her in the first place 26 years ago. For the third year in a row she'd broken into her former owners vegetable patch and cleared it of nice young juicy seedlings. She's only broken into mine once during high summer and the only damage was to flatten the marigolds and leeks.
I'll try and get out with the camera first thing in the morning and take a couple of photo's. Taking pictures directly into the setting sun is never a good idea which is why I didn't do it this evening. It maybe Tuesday before I get to edit this post and add them though.
I also managed to get into the workshop and start on the additional staging for the green house. The design should carry 13 seed trays and with a bit of luck I'll have it assembled and installed next weekend.
I also managed to get out and take a look at that water tank in the skip - unfortunately they'd cut it up when getting it out so no use to man nor beast. Whilst out I also dropped into the Winkfield allotments which are the closest to me. Had a chat with a couple of the allotment holders. Seem like a nice bunch. Unfortunately there are currently no vacent plots, in fact the parish council have been asking if any of the holders would give up half their plots because of the waiting list. It's a nice site so all I can do is add my name to the waiting list on Monday and hope it's not a 5 year wait.
The other thing to come out of today's good weather is that I now know both the automatic window openers on the greenhouse work so that's one expense I won't be incurring. I'd like to be able to grow through the winter but that means incurring the expense of a biogreen heater, change-over regulator, and a couple of gas bottles. Come October I'll have to see whether we can afford it this year. Since the green house is 10'x12' I'll need a 4KW heater, even with insulation.

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